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NASB: Belarus is introducing a global energy policy


MINSK, 15 November (BelTA) - Director of the Institute of Power Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) Anton Brin told the media about the implementation of the global energy policy in Belarus, BelTA has learned.

With time the issues related to further energy development are becoming more and more acute, Anton Brin said. “On the one hand, population growth and people's desire to improve their living standards dictate the need for an intensive increase in the energy sector capacity. On the other hand, the depletion of combustible mineral resources requires a more economical and rational use of energy. The negative impact of the fuel and energy complex on the environment poses an equally serious problem. Realizing the inevitability of economic growth and, consequently, the inevitability of increased consumption of energy resources and increased energy production, the international community has developed a number of priorities for a new energy policy, with the focus on the further development of the energy sector in accordance with the principles of sustainable and safe development,” he explained.

Optimization of resource saving and energy consumption on the basis of modern scientific and technical achievements is one of the main areas of the global economic policy, requiring a reasonable scientific approach. “This task has been assigned to the Institute of Power Engineering in the first place,” the director stressed.

The institute employees carry out research related to solving problems in the country's energy sector, and also aim to reduce the consumption of energy resources. “They are engaged in the development of a rational methodology for the optimal integration of the BelNPP into the energy system, the development of an intelligent charging system for electric vehicles based on Smart Grid technology, as well as the development of a methodology to improve the efficiency and reliability of electric power systems,” Anton Brin said.

The director of the institute also spoke about practical work in energy saving. “The main sources of energy resources loss are: irrational consumption of materials and technologies in products, irrational technological energy losses during the manufacture and operation of equipment. The study of nine large enterprises conducted by the Institute of Power Engineering in 2021-2023 enabled to develop five-year programs to reduce the consumption of energy resources in the amount of more than 172,000 tonnes of conditional fuel. In this context, the role of ministries and departments in controlling the implementation of the planned tasks is very important,” he said.

The NASB organizations carry out systematic and purposeful work on the efficient use of energy resources, the director said. “Thanks to the introduction of energy-efficient measures in 2021-2023, the savings of fuel and energy resources amounted to 2,070 tonnes of fuel equivalent,” he concluded.
