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Belarus, Rosatom considering new joint projects

Photo courtesy of the State Committee on Science and Technology
MINSK, 13 August (BelTA) – The State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus together with interested ministries and government agencies continues the work on advancing cooperation with the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom, the committee’s press service told BelTA.

A working meeting took place at premises of the State Committee on Science and Technology. New promising avenues were discussed for expanding interaction within the framework of a complex program on Belarus-Russia cooperation in the field of non-energy and non-nuclear projects.

The meeting was supervised by Deputy Chairwoman of the State Committee on Science and Technology Tatiana Stolyarova. The head of Rosatom’s country office in Belarus Stanislav Levitsky, representatives of the Communications and Informatization Ministry, the Industry Ministry, the Architecture and Construction Ministry, the Energy Ministry, and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus took part in the meeting.

The parties looked into a number of new joint initiatives in the field of digitization, software development, and the development of quantum technologies.
