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Belarus' Marina Vasilevskaya working hard to prepare for space flight


ZVEZDNY GORODOK, 22 November (BelTA) – The Belarusian woman Marina Vasilevskaya, who is getting ready for a space flight at the Gagarin Research and Test Cosmonaut Training Center, has shared her impressions of preparations for the flight with reporters, BelTA has learned.

Marina Vasilevskaya said: “Impressions from the training program are overwhelming. It allows coordinating actions and enabling smooth work. I have a very experienced commander, whom I trust, this is why everything went well.”

She remarked that cosmonautics is a complicated profession and every training session needs to be approached seriously. “It is the first time we do all of it. This is why it is difficult for us. But we are adjusting and overcoming all the hindrances. We are happy to be here. It became possible thanks to our state and I think that we will make it,” Marina Vasilevskaya added.

BelTA reported earlier that spacecraft crews at the Gagarin Research and Test Cosmonaut Training Center continue practicing their actions in case their reentry capsule lands on a body of water (aka splashdown).

Taking part in the training sessions are the main crew members Marina Vasilevskaya and the Roscosmos cosmonaut, Belarus' native Oleg Novitsky (the mission commander) as well as the backup crew members Anastasia Lenkova and the Roscosmos cosmonaut Ivan Vagner (the mission commander).
