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Belarus considering construction of research nuclear reactor

Belarus is considering the construction of a research nuclear reactor, Acting Director General of the Joint Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research - Sosny Andrei Kuzmin told a press conference at BelTA’s press center.

“At the moment we are considering a feasibility study of the research nuclear reactor project,” said Andrei Kuzmin. There are plans to hold preliminary consultations on this issue with Russian experts. Based on the results of the work done, a decision will be made on the feasibility of building such a facility in Belarus.

Andrei Kuzmin said that any country that develops nuclear power should consider the possibility of establishing a research nuclear reactor. Such installations are, as a rule, multi-use and allow solving complex scientific and production problems.

According to Andrei Kuzmin, in 1962 the institute in Sosny launched a 2MW research nuclear reactor. In the 1970s its capacity was raised to 5MW. In the late 1990s, the reactor was decommissioned.